Quartus Download Link

Why do I do this since Intel(Altera) already provides a way to download their quartus software?
Well, their website is really not user-friendly and hard (impossible) to find the download link for the old version of the software.
Please note that I’m not affiliated with Intel(Altera) in any way.
This website do not host the files, but it’s just a list of direct links to the files hosted by Intel(Altera).
This website do not provide hacks to the software.
Thanks to CTSRD-CHERI and his/her quartus-install which makes this page possible.

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两块学生用FPGA开发板对比:Digilent Basys 3 与 依元素EGO1

最近找组里买了Digilent Basys 3.而自己早自费买了依元素的EGO 1。

两块板子的芯片都是Xilinx Artix-7,只是封装有着轻微的不同:EGO 1的芯片封装大一圈,可能pin数也多一些。

继续阅读两块学生用FPGA开发板对比:Digilent Basys 3 与 依元素EGO1